Tuesday, November 13, 2007

12 avatar caLender out now... FREE!!!

the 12avatar calender is now out in both RL and SL versions. The SL version is cool and usuable now, it shows you what date you're on, is interactive and has functions in like event reminders and stuff.

you can go to my shop, (top of my picks) and tp to touch the kiosk to have your FREE calendar delivered to you!!

this is my photo in the calendar. i'm "december" and am wearing an unreleased dress (to be released soon) sitting on the lovely new "evangeline" vanity, built by sue stonebender (wait til you see it!!! it's simply gorgeous) and wearing jewelry by sue stonebender as well. (oh my skin is HYBRID 2 by nevermore studios, 'custom' and my hair is from armidi, but i modded it a LOT for my odd head, and it give it a bit of a different look.)

(click to see large version)

i had a really stressful time, deciding what to wear, how to be "december" w/o being an elf or sexy ms. santa, lol, and thanks to torrid midnight & bianca darling, who really helped me at the last minute as i vacillated on what to wear, (mostly what hair and skin)... their input really was helpful, i tend to second guess myself a LOT so i was wearing some 'typical' hair i always wear, and they encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone. especially bianca who said... "get ON the vanity!" lol... anyway, thanks girls and whoever else helped... i can't remember right now!

oh, btw, the most fun was after shooting the photo, putting it all together in PS, and stuff, i LOVED that part!!! especially the mirror reflection.

anyway, drop by and get your copy soon!

