Thursday, January 24, 2008

aLways Love ••• dreSSing veNus ••• the goDDess of Love

fit for the "goddess of love", "dressing venus" is a floor length gown made with hand tied sequins, satin, sheer silk and adorned with sequins and pearls.

i've always love the sandro botticelli's painting "the birth of venus" and was able to see it in italy some years ago. i've toyed with using classical art pieces in my ads, and this is the first one i've been happy with.

this special gown was made for the miss universe pageant's tv announcer, "duckyfresh wantanabe" and will be the first release in my "gaLLery" signature collection.

i've always love the sandro botticelli's painting "the birth of venus" and was able to see it in italy some years ago. i've toyed with using classical art pieces in my ads, and this is the first one i've been happy with.

this special gown was made for the miss universe pageant's tv announcer, "duckyfresh wantanabe".

the gown is made of sequins, satin, and sheer silk, with pearl and beaded accents. it comes with the prim skirt attachments, system skirt, glitch pants, top, pearl attachments on the bodice and gloves, and the gloves themselves.

7 colors in this batch: violets, roses, orchids, sky blue, ocean blue, clover AND "duckyfresh" (the one shown in the main ad)
offered in 7 colors, the dress is mod/trans and comes with the top, prim skirt, regular skirt (satin finished), gloves, glitch pants (satin finished) and pearl attachments for the bodice and gloves.

available in caLLiefornia at my main shop, right on the back wall. (excuse the mess as the sim is under construction)

aLways Love,


1 comment:

Jensen Shepherd said...

Beautiful dress Callie! I love it...