Wednesday, November 25, 2009

tHanK yOu...

i love this time of year and this holiday. for americans we stop and take a day to reflect on our blessings and for me it's always a time of deep reflection and i always take time to really think about the blessings i have in my life.

i don't know a lot of you personally, yet being in this community i know a bit of you through your blogs and some interaction. i'm thankful for that. even what you may think is a "silly blog" or a not so good "outfit" or a "not my best" design, or, or, or... has in some way affected me.

i'll share a few examples of just SOME things i thought of in writing this post. this in NO way at all minimizes the impact anyone has on me but by sharing a few of these things maybe it will be some sort of an inspiration to see how much we really are blessed.

i LOVE seeing what lexi from stellar puts out, her little cute boots or jammies or whatever always makes me smile, after reflecting, i realized it's her persistance that i'm thankful for. (please excuse my misspelled words too)

i love when i see heidi's blog (fashionable heart) and the heart behind it, it makes me laugh when i see uma make almost anything look cute with a ciggy hanging out of her mouth, i want to say 'oh no i hope those ashes don't drop on that sweater!' it makes me smile when i see people's skill sets grow in their photos, posts, and everything.

i'm thankful when people post personal things often wishing i could be more like that, i'm touched when i read so much stuff, and i LOVE the creativity i see as SL grows and fashion changes. it's really something i am thankful to be a part of.

so yes this time of year i do like to reflect. i am a person who can easily get down, discouraged and depressed and when i stop to see the blessings ALL around me, from a warm house, to yes, even this broken computer that's not been fixed since june :( it makes me realize how very lucky i am.

so thank you to all of you who touch my life in ways you will never know, and ways i don't even know, until i take time to reflect. happy thanksgiving.



outfit: rfyre
eyes: mine
jewelry: mine
pose: torrid
lashes: lynnix
skin: lovey
location: stereo vogue winter magic

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