Tuesday, August 24, 2010

an open thank you letter...


After returning from a very much needed holiday and break, I am beginning to sort through emails, notecards and have found so many kind notes, invitations to events, and I just wanted to thank you all.

My notecards and inventory in SL have been strange lately, (meaning a lot of them don't load or show up after it says "so and so gave you this note".) I'm not quite sure why, but I am in the process of working on it again with LL.

So this note is a note to say thank you. Thank you for thinking of me for your events, faires, hunts, groups, and all the wonderful things you are doing. I'm sorry I've not been able to reply nor participate in them all but I want you to know that I feel honored to be asked. So many of you do such amazing things in SL and I hear so much about how awesome your things are.

So again, as I organize and sort through things I wanted to say a huge thank you to all the event coordinators, designers, managers, bloggers, and all of you who contribute to our very alive and vibrant and diverse community.

You all rock!


p.s. a HUGE thank you to my amazing customers that always put a huge smile on my face with their notes and stuff. you continue to bless me and i'm SOOOO thankful for you :) you are the best xoxoxox

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