Monday, February 26, 2007

"mainLine" by caLLie cLine ••• preview available now!

i've been working day and night, well not really, but feels like it... and anyways, i wanted to give you all a bit of a lil sneak peak at my new men's brand "mainLine" which in my new sim, "caLLiefornia" will have it's own way cool shop... well more about that laters!

for NOW... here are just 3 things out at my shop in PLUSH LAMBDA (top of my pics)

they are...

black jeans
faded black ripped jeans
tintable sweater

all are mod, so the guys can make their jeans way baggy, like my old jean testing friend, 'billy geer' (ally's hubby) or super tight, like my model, in the pics... (gonna keep his name a secret for now) hehe.

anyway, the jeans come with my lil prim "button" which i love and adds that bit of "detail" and "dimension" you can't really get any other way! some ppl love em, other's don't care, but i wear them with my jeans all the time.

hope ya like!


caLLie for "mainLine"

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