Monday, November 26, 2007

HAPPY HEAD REINDEER ANTLER THINGIES!!! with free bling version and nose!

i had something like this last year and couldn't find them, so i decided to make some, i hope you like!!! you can change the ball colors in mod, and there is even a bling pair for you or a friend. personally it's MY fave ;)

oh ya, and my CHIRSTMAS TREE LOT is open!!! caLLiefornia grown!!! colorable and sizeable, even a black and red one for you rocker types... and i grew 'em all by myself!!!



oh, p.s. it's all snowy now at the shop and ice skating is available, and we will start to mix in some holiday tunes too!!! feel free to use anytime!!! skate vendor there or bring your own!!!