Friday, July 25, 2008

frEEbie gEEbiE week @ caLLie cLine!!! starts today!

my group is a great group of girls including old and new content creators... we spoke about sharing stuff awhile back and today marks our official start of "frEEbiE gEEbiE" week. the caL gaL group will be sharing creations they make, some for fun, some in their own shops and also some designers like eshi otawara, (of the 460,000L fish hook dress), digit darkes and some others as well as myself will be sharing free stuff all week long. to get the free items you must be a member of the "caL gaL" group.

items will be added daily and put around my new store in pretty gift boxes... yes my NEW store!! i finally tore down the old one and almost moved into the new. im adding items daily and will be finished before fall!

hope to see you sometime during freebie geebie week, if you'd like to add to the madness and fun, feel free to im me about how you can share your stuff with our wild and fun group!!

xoxo, caLLie

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