Saturday, April 28, 2012

just a mouse click away....

Last week, KittyCatS! released something I've been pretty excited about for a long time. We added the KittyCatS! CaTTery.

What is that? Well simply put, it's a way to export your cats with the click of the mouse onto our website "CaTTery" and you have the ability to feed, breed and care for them there!

It's an added feature our customers can use if they can't get into SL to care for their pets and just want to "keep an eye on them" and a very customizable tool that really can be used however the customer wants. (Some people were VERY excited to get their houses back after giving up house and home to their little Kitties)

A FEW OF MY PRETTY GIRLS online. *waves to them* 

Prims are always an issue in SL so I'm really happy we were able to offer a feature that is mindful of the limits we all have to work with in SL.

Thus far the response has been really positive which we were hoping for. What I find is really great is the speed of which the KittyCatS can travel in and out of SL in... literally a SECOND or LESS!!! I have to admit having fun sending them back and forth quite a few times.

We have provided this awesome addition at no charge so all who wanted, no matter what their budget could use the cattery. Oh did i forget to mention we have a new hold/cuddle too??? (Adorkable did a great job on it!!!)

new BEAR HUG hold - my little BunnyCat & me.

If you want to read more about it from some other perspectives, here are a few people who gave their take on it. New World Notes, Harper Beresford, Emerald Wynn,   & Kayleigh McMillian.

So with over 30 MILLION breeding possibilities ALL OF THEM, can be instantly seen on our website!!!  I have to say though I know very little about scripting... I'm pretty impressed with all the work and brain power it went into creating this technology... and I bow down humbly to "KittyCats" our scripter for his ability to pull of what we only dreamed of. Can't wait for the other stuff he's gonna do :P

If you want to know more about KittyCatS! please check out our website, and feel free to IM me inworld anytime too!

ahhh I got my house back!!! Thank you KittyCatS!

have a great weekend!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

nouvelle vague française - collabor88 goes french new wave!!!

i LOVED the theme. this months collabor88 was "french new wave" and the colors were fab. i enjoyed making this retro swim suit (with optional ruffle skirt) so much! i've always loved vintage stuff and this was a great little project.

i made it in the 5 colors of the palete we had to work from... i hope you enjoy it. lots of other great stuff too!!! great for mixing and matching!!!

have a great week!!!

xoxo, callie

Monday, April 2, 2012

Flowers & Truffles... Yummy stuff for Spring!

hey all :)

We just released on April 1st the KittyCatS! Spring Collection Cats. It was a bit challenging making the chocolate ones.  Brown can look like many things when applied to a prim and my first attempts came nowhere close to chocolate! (yes, it was quite bad)

So... our kitties actually were very naughty in the end and broke into an elite Chocolatier Boutique and melted all the Chocolate bunnies and had fun decorating themselves as Fancy Truffles!!! They even managed to get some Bunny Ears and Tails too!!! Yes, they are magical. :)

Sumptuous Swirl, Coconut Milk, Whimsical White & Dark Decadence

 The second part of the Spring Collection,  "Fun Flowers" were a lot of fun to make. It's the first time I actually drew with pen and ink on paper and imported it into the digital realm to apply to the cats. I've been wanting to do this for a LONG time because I love to draw, paint and doodle. These cats are the first in our "artist" series which will use traditional mediums all hand done on paper or canvas then applied digitally. I can't wait to do more in the future!!!

Sold in a Pair - Will birth a special "fun flower" kitten

Also this month is Collabr88 I am really excited about that too! Working on stuff for that... LOVE that event and the people involved!!!

Hope you all have a fabulous week... enjoy!



p.s. you can get the KittyCatS! at the main shop or on the marketplace!