Wednesday, June 6, 2007

yay!!! caLLiefornia finally opens!!!

wow, what a ride!!! but we're finally open!!! the "READY-OR-NOT" opening proved to be the perfect name cuz... well we weren't as ready as we'd hoped and we opened!!!

didn't seem to matter much tho, as kiana and i had a GREAT time dancing on the roofs with our customers, friends, new friends, colleagues, and i don't think any enemies as we had no griefing, hahaha.

seriously, we had such a great time, it was so so so so so so (infinity) wonderful to party and dance with the best looking bunch of people i've seen in SL and some of the most fun and nicest too!

these girls (and a few guys) love to dance and have fun!

it was great to have ppl drop by to say hi who had other event going that day, it meant a LOT to us... after reading how many events were going on, i thought, "oh no ki, we picked the worst day to open!!!" so to those of you who left your own events to say hello, THANK YOU SO MUCH! i had a very nice surprise when my pretty much all time favorite artist "santana lumiere" of nevermore studios stopped by!!! (she is known mostly for her amazing skins which i wear 99.99999% of the time, even for my Maxim photo, and she also makes killler boots, clothing, eyes, FURNITURE! omg this girl can make ANYTHING..) and i really just admire her in many ways so that was so cool for me!!! and we took a photo together!!! which was NO easy feat! mostly cuz i couldn't stop my dance animation.

even tho tomboy was ready... we found a last minute BUGGY BUG the night before, so boo hoo, this is what was up... (thank god ally geer came the night before an bought out the place and then told us... uh, this isn't working... and we discovered a bad, bad, bad, nasty mean bugger)

but really, this opening wasn't about shopping but celebrating with friends, customers and just wanting to hang out and have fun... and WE DID!

thanks again to all who came and i hope to see you soon... oh on the sim now are officially (not all open yet)

caLLie cLine (main store)
::home:: by caLLie cLine
mainLine (for men)
caffeine au go-go (our rock/punk/whatever dance club and hang out)
maLiboo cove (a little beach cover with bunglos)
hatchie heaven (clothing for little dragons)
and a big old courtyard with furniture to hang out in, and birds to watch...

and... MORE coming soon!




~*~ said...

You are too cute!!! Congrats on the opening. Iris and I came, but we came in true Shopping Cart Disco style - WAAAAYYY too late to be considered "fashionable" - we were told you had already passed out!


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Anonymous said...

I love the rooftop dancing! Congrats on Calliefornia opening, all that hard work looks like it was worth it. It's on my list to come see it tomorrow. SHOPPING!!! /hugs!