Monday, January 21, 2008

NAME GAME, for "caL gaL" group members....

I started a fun little "name game" with my group last week, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive, so i thought i'd share it real quick for you who may want to join.

the normal title for the "caL gaL" group is "love" (with a heart on each side)....

this is how the "game" works...

1. when the group title changes to anything else but the default "love" the first person to im me personally wins "something". so far the prizes have been... outfits, rainbowas™, jeans, CASH, gift cards, did I say "cash"??? and whatever else i may feel like dropping at the moment.

Some of you girls are sooooooooooooooooooo fast... and i did it one day, and it took about 2 minutes for anyone to notice.

So if you like little surprises, and a chance to win a mystery prize... join "caL gaL" and wear your tag, and if you see the title change... im me quick!!!



p.s. don't use the group im for it!!!



Anonymous said...

Callie - I loved your idea of this game. Having fun is what it's all about. I have been OH SO CLOSE to IM'ing you first. I mean talk about frustration when I was dancing RIGHT next to you at the Musism after party and you changed the tag to say "dance", I still wasn't the first. How can that be?!?! I was RIGHT THERE. : ) Oh well, there's always next time.

caLLie cLine said...

i KNOW, some ppl are so FAST, like in seconds! i remember at that show you were the 2nd person tho...

yesterday it took someone about minute! and she was like, "i see it changed, am i too late?" and she wasn't!

i'm having fun with it, glad you are too!

congrats on your blog BTW!!!



Katlene said...

Hi Callie...

Love your clothes, by the way please check my blog


Katlene Niven