the first black swan show was such a great experience i could not wait to participate in the second one. being able to just be inspired by something and see what comes out is very exciting for me in any artistic work be it visual or music or whatever. why? because the possibilities are endless and i love to see what comes out. most times i start with an idea in my head and most often the result is NOTHING like what i start out doing. "swan sirens" is not exception.
at first as the theme was "passion" my mind naturally went to "hot", "steamy", "lava", "red and black" etc... and so for a few weeks i stumbled on sketches and stuff that reflected that... and was not happy at all with what was coming out.
nebulosus severine, "nebby" who made "swan's tears" for our last collaboration at black swan was feeling the same way... so we simple switched gears and just let ourselves, "get inspired", however that happens... so after she passed me her necklace, (which i turned upside down and put on my head, like a crown...) a few ideas started to flow and "swan sirens" was born! yay!
the funny thing was when we were trying to come up with a name (quite unsuccessfully i might add) we finally stumbled on sirens (which i always thought were mermaids) but found out originally they were 1/2 bird 1/2 women which went perfectly with the wings, and the black swan sim!! yay!! then they turned to mermaids later in the legends.. so yay again!!! and they sang!! third yay!!!
swan sirens, inspired by black swan, it is now available in the original "mercury" white and will come out in 2 more colors in the coming days.
nebby made a huge jewelry collection that has everything in it too, all are available at the black swan sim.
more news later.
xoxo, caLLie
swan sirens comes with: 2 shirt options, sheer and solid, 2 shirt toppers to match with slow moving textures on them, a sculptie mini skirt with gems on it, a mini skirt, a tiny micro skirt (for the sheer shorts), glitch pants, sheer hotpants, wings, a new unreleased set of "caLiedscope" gem eyes in icy green, a flowing long prim flexi skirt, and i think that's all... you can create lots of looks with the pieces.
hair in photo: Deviant kitties queen, etd, and cake braids
skin: nevermore custom
shoes: none
jewelry: swan star collection (various pieces)
poses: reel expression and my own custom