well i got the boots out, SL cooperated, (finally) and all 12 colors of the new "wild kick shickers" are out. they have 12 gemstone options (scripted) INCLUDING BLACK DIAMONDS, which go great with the leopard print.
i threw together a few outfits with some stuff i sell and some stuff i need to get out with the new scarves :) ***

the scarves come in 7 colors... in the paisley print, and i have animal ones and others coming out soon!!!
well all the new stuff is in the front of my store... top of my pics OR here's a
little ride over!

xoxo, caLLie
outfit notes:
outfit one:
hair: etd sophia
skin: nevermore custom
top: unreleased CC
pants: rebeL rebeL unreleased
boots: "wild kick shickers" natural with stones colored red
scarf: tied up in paisley red (modded to be short)
pose: luth's reel expression
jewelry: CC
outfit two:
hair: abyss
skin: nevermore
pants: CC basic slack unreleased
top: CC top, unreleased
belt: CC fatbelt in black leather
boots: "wild kick shicker" in sage with gems purple and pink
scarf: tied up in purple CC
pose: luth reel expression
outfit 3:
micro mini dress: by CC
hair: abyss
skin: nevermore
scarf: tied up in wild orange CC
boots: "kick shickers in teal all diff stones
pose: luth reel expression
***a note on the scarf... my GREAT friend the DIVINE miss digit darkes make me a scarf for SL5B for my booth and i loved it so much... i asked her how she made it and she said "dude! it's full perm, you can just retexture it if you want!" and i said, "yeah but i'd love to sell some like it" and she's like "dude, it's full perm, do whatever you want with it!!! it's my gift to you" and so i fiddled with her prims and make a ton of them, so far just the paisley are out. i told this story just to let you all know what a GREAT friend she is and an amazing designer, but even more so, a generous, giving person who has helped me so so so much with resources, and encouragement and enthusiasm. (i have a post about how we both were so lucky to be in a show in italy but i'll post that later)