i am filled with so much emotion, hope, joy, as i watch the michael jackson memorial service. there is so much hope, love, and despite the "freaky" aspects or other things one could say, i'm profoundly touched at this moment.
the glorious gospel music, and heartfelt sentiments, and all this has really given me a deeper glimpse into the heart and artistry of michael jackson. though his music wasn't always my "style" i can't argue with how it touches me.
i am learning more about the passion he carried to touch people which has always been what i hope for my life, often it's hard to keep going as an "artist" even just as a person, when you get discouraged, dragged down, and watching this, i can see how all his labors were so worth it to so many.
i am all over feeling inspired 2 rethink judging anyone on what media says, rumors, gossip, realizing rarely do we see the depths inside a humans heart... and being able to see that is a sacred gift.
this service touched me in a way that i pray lasts and inspires me to go for my dreams without fear but with courage and conviction after seeing how many lives he touched, it all seems worth it.
thanks god for michael jackson's life, thank you michael for your courage to keep on, thanks everyone who shared at his service. you have all touched me today.