FAT BELTS - "layer lover™" friendly... GREAT FOR MIX & MASHUPS™

wiLd beans to spice up your living spaces!!! 4 poses, 10 colors!!! and scupltie, 2 prims, and only 98L!!!

wiLd beans to spice up your living spaces!!! 4 poses, 10 colors!!! and scupltie, 2 prims, and only 98L!!!

i've had such a blast setting up this section of my shop, meeting lots of great customers, old and new and seeing all the pretty gaLs all dressed up! coLor is IN this faLL, my predictions it will ALWAYS be in, cuz, lol, everything is color... hahaha

i remember once an art teacher told me, "white is the absence of color, black is the presence of all color" well later i learned that was true for paint, but not light, lol, so... who knows, but i like it, from black to white to every hue, shade and reflection in between!
and last but not least, a new "mix & mashup™" with the wild cat dress top, flexi belt, signature thrashed jeans and my little prim pant cuffs. and it's neko friendly!!!

so i think that's all for now... more stuff coming soon!!! and watch for my new little shops "nekoture™" & "tit-4-tat™"... i'm loving my little kitties and they're gonna be spoiled!!!!
bye bye!!!