speaking of stores, i just finished decorating my new little shop at the AMAZING new GLANCE sim. I LOVE THE BUILD and am SO thankful that they asked me to have a shop, it's a GREAT collection of artists/designers and the fantastic build done by babyhoney bailey is warm, inviting and like a street you'd see in a nice area like bel air but w/o that pretentious air i personally don't care for... oh clitter is available at glance too... my store there is an eclectic mix and I LOVE IT! i love mixing stuff i love together even if other people think it may not go together :) it's how i decorate my RL house and it's fun to have a shop in SL like that. i plan to have things ONLY available there, as well as CAL MART.. more on CAL MART later, lol.

so here are 2 photos! it's been a fun weekend and next week my new computer should be here and it will be back to work!
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